Wed Jan 22 07:13:44 CET 2025 This is a "Putting it Bluntly", Peter Philipp series of Edutainment^WEcotainment Preserving White Supremacy in Whitey Land by means of Ecological Thinking The Problem: The main problem facing the globe today is climate change. Since forever humans have known that all things are connected. Let me state the problems we have today, and their effects as theorized by understood ecological systems. The european woman and child of white skin colour has had a very distinct superior attitude to the world, since time began. To preserve this pompous attitude, means preserving Europe-land, first. o Active SONAR in military and mostly surface ships (like the Navy) are threatening whales from reproducing. These are called cetacean lifeforms in biological terms, thus Genus cetus. These are very important lifeforms in terms of the Blue, Humpback, and Grey whales but in the scope of this paper not really including Orca and Sperm whales, which eat no Krill. Krill is microscopic organism in the oceans. That represent the highest species aggregate body mass on earth. This means all the Krill in the Oceans weighs more than all of humanity (all 7+ billion of us). The Krill is regulated by consumption with whales of the mostly Blue, Humpback and Grey kind. So it doesn't take a Pea Brain, to figure out, that if you kill the whales, you increase the population of the Krill. The theorized tipping point is then, when there is so much Krill swimming in the Atlantic Ocean that it breaks down the Ocean Current. Whales are the only known enemy to Krill on a big scale. o Carbon output. Known since the 1980's by people such as Carl Sagan, who testified in front US Congress that this "Global Warming" is happening. Global warming we know today as "Climate Change" which is a proper term, because some places get colder and others get warmer. The temperate European climate, is in danger with several factors, because it is directly connected to the ocean current that we classify as the Gulf Stream. The major cause for concern is tied in with the previous and the later state problem. Carbon output from things such as Coal burning power plants and cars, is speeding Climate change. o Melting of the Ice at Greenland and Antarctica. Mixing fresh water with saline water is called brackish water. Brackish water weighs less than pure ocean water because it dilutes sodium chloride aka salt. Thus the heavy saline water is less heavy due to dilution. This means that brackish water naturally will float. So in order to state the problem then, it is two-fold. Warm water, also floats. We know this from the Hot air balloon effect. When the cold brackish water run-off from Greenland mixes with cold currents heading south along the Newfoundland coast of Canada and further, it will be on a higher level than usual. Eventually it will cross the Warm current of the Gulf stream. And because it is higher, it may disrupt warm water from reaching the coast of Norway. In effect, cooling Europe. What this means is the following: a) Lower temperatures in Winter, meaning more heating required. Heat is produced in Europe (for example in Germany) with coal. This causes a paradox. The more coal burned, the more run-off from Greenland, the more disruption of the currents, the more coal burned. In german this is called a "Teufelskreis". In english this is called a "devils triangle paradox". Solar panels will not save Europe from freezing. b) Hot summers, but less agricultural output. Places like Norway can forget, an agriculture such as dairy, produce etc. Germany will report less agricultural output which affects it's Biomass energy output representing near 5% of it's energy produced. So this again, contributes to a lack of resources such as energy, food, way of life, etc. o Reversing these trends, some are easy, some are hard. The easy problem solved is not using active SONAR. This puts european navies at a disadvantage against foreign submarines. Thus this causes a requirement for more silent passive hunter-killer submarines in the european waters. Submarines today in modern Navies, use Fuel cell technology, led by companies such as Siemens in Germany, Balaire Fuel Cells in Vancouver Canada, and others. In order to make sense of passive sonar listening a computer is required. We are better than ever in deciphering noises in the water with means of AI and Quantum computers. Indications of movement in the water, is often accompanied by cetacean or dolphin "chatter" than can indicate that there is movement. Use these animals as helpers to detect movement. The other problem is cutting the carbon output. This is a greater problem, becuase it is energy that we have a lack of. On top of that, the reversal of carbon in the atmosphere, requires energy again. Again we have a lack of it. Recommended Solutions: o It is no secret that Mediteranean communities on either side of the body of water, have a lack of water, or at least, acknowledge that more water "could do good". An Israeli, Spanish, or Algerian might agree. They spend energy to "de-salinate" this saline water, in order to live and grow produce. There is efforts of companies to install solar panels in these regions because sunlight is what they have no lack of. A company called DeserTEC GmbH for example has dreams of realizing the potential of investing in the Sahara desert. Political tensions make this an impossibility. Enter bilateral trade. If Europe has something, it is ships. Think Lloyd's. Think the Greek merchant navy. Think shipyards in Germany etc. Europe has fuel cell technology. So to connect the dots, Sahara communities could use water, Greenland has excess run off water, that is changing the climate of Europe, and Europe has lots of ships and fuel cell technology but no energy. Thus, it important for the continuization of industrial supremacy in europe, to include the mid east, who is able to provide solar PV energy. The trade medium is hydrogen. Water brought from Greenland to say, Algeria, can be used by Algerians to live and grow produce. The remaining water is used by Algerian PV-Solar farms to split into hydrogen. Hydrogen that Europe needs to bring water into Algeria as well to power homes, local agriculture and european way of life. The water is transported from Greenland in hydrogen powered ships (Tankers). This is important because if they are powered by Carbon based fossil fuels it is speeding up the root problem which is too much carbon in the atmosphere. The excess gain on energy will or should be used to de-carbonise the atmosphere, eliminating the root problem. It is extremely important to recognize Greenland as a sovereign Inuit nation. Any water transported from there has to go through contracts and negotiations and licenses. In order to proceed. o The minor problem of excess Krill, which could turn out to be a major problem, for Europe. Is solved by protection of cetacean life, by fuel-cell powered navy submarines (paint them green if you wish). That are silent and not hurting their ears, thus ensuring that a whale finds its mate many nautical miles away (think hundreds). Similarily Faroes Islands traditions of killing "superpods" of dolphins heading north, is counter-productive. We can feed Faroese, if they require food. What we need is many dolphins to be messengers for passive SONAR to be indicators of foes. After all it is a dangerous world out there. TLDR; Jerry Springer would agree here, most likely. We don't have to become Eco-NAZI's in order to preserve white supremacy (which is debateable anyhow, but humble yourselves). We must act on behalf of all races of humanity because as the leading supreme race we have the means of financing the whole effort. In turn, we guarantee, that the whitey race dominates the european continent. Thus ensuring white survival. A frozen cube called Europe, is not what a White supremacist would want to endorse. Eco-NAZI'ism doesn't have to be, however the urgency of the situation for Europe is dire. In the process of automation as put forward by people such as Rudolph Diesel and Karl Benz, that excelled white people ahead of the races, causes us to contract and other races thank us for letting them catch up. Because in the end. We were plainly extincting ourselves. Extinction means no more white people. The technological lead that we are "so proud of" is being reversed on our expense, in this generation. In the end it's plain to see that we are not supreme but merely human beings. Caveats Is there another link of events that I have missed? Please let me know. Contributing Material/Bibliography: o I have included my calendar for 2025 which is 90% accurate to what it is today. This calendar was constructed on an Apple computer and the real calendar was put forth at a service called Please have a look at this calendar which includes a Hydrogen producing project in Hudson Bay, Canada. And it is military industrial complex centric at the same time. The message here is that powering Arctic communities with hydrogen is probably a good idea, as compared to putting little CANDU nuclear reactors into places such as Iqaluit, Nunavut. I have been to Iqaluit for a four day visit in 2013, thus I speak from experience that the Iqaluit region is called after "clear water/good fish". Why would you risk nuclear contamination on such a nice place. Hydrogen saves not just Nunavut, but also Europe. The image provided in the calendar of the arctic community is not in Nunavut but in Nuuk, Greenland. These are Inuit, but further east from Nunavut. o Please see the photograph, of my Atlas at home indicating the Gulf stream currents, in the Atlantic. Credits: Everyone. Special thanks to energy companies in Canada who are represented by buddies that I once worked with (Rick and Emilia, who I met online). They are representing Wind power companies in Canada. Emilia came from Europe at one point. Immigrants thus play a pivot/key role. Thanks for the song with the lyrics "learn to love your people", by Sizzla (I think), white pride message, understood. For a chuckle or two, in this serious time. I had a laugh about the memory of the Grand Wizard of the KKK, being black, causing Bubbas head to explode when the Grand Wizard took of his pointed hat. It's important to release tension, on extremism and white supremacy or black supremacy. In the end noone is more supreme than the divine.